01: Mess 12: My Leg Hurts
02: Horn Song 13: Denison's Country Grill
03: Fairy 14: Song For the Cheese
04: Mockney Patois 15: Pork Balls
05: Dustbin 16: You've Wasted a Ball
06: Factory 17: Jelly TV
07: Henry 18: Bob is Having an Operation
08: Wrong 19: Blue Bees
09: Help the Itchy 20: My Grandfather was a Chair
10: Trousers 21: The New Food to Eat.
11: Somewhere
Review: Ben & Amy's music is a quirky mix of sampled sound effects, spoken/shouted words, keyboards, guitar and several other unidentified instruments. Try and imagine a Jean Michel Jarre concert, done on the cheap, in a farmyard full of animals/friends/machinery, and you begin to understand. Don't get me wrong, I'm a great fan of the French wizard, and this album conjures up a similar stream of consciousness.
Label: Sound Couldron?